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Earn an international Bachelor's degree in Japan, taught entirely in English



The International College of Liberal Arts (iCLA) is a four- year, American style liberal arts college where the primary language of instruction is English.

Located just 90 minutes west of Tokyo, iCLA combines a multi-cultural learning environment with a beautifully traditional Japanese setting in the shadow of Mt Fuji. 

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Why study at iCLA?

  • Japan is a safe and affordable study destination with excellent career prospects
  • Earn an internationally recognised Bachelor of International Liberal Arts

  • Majors in Global Business and Economics, Interdisciplinary Arts,  Interdisciplinary Data Science, Japan Studies, Political Science, and Psychology

  • Supplement you major with a wide array of electives and workshops in Sociology, Japanese language and culture, and more!

  • Guaranteed single room on-campus accommodation

  • Scholarships available



Student:Faculty ratio



International students






Partner universities



Full time faculty members educated overseas



From central Tokyo

"I adore Japanese culture, language, and scenery, and had many interests I wanted to pursue, so iCLA was a perfect match for me. My best moments at iCLA were when I was traveling in Japan with my classmates. Most memorably to Lake Kawaguchiko, a beautiful nearby lake at the foot of Mount Fuji. I visited there many times with different friends, so it holds a really special place in my heart!"

iCLA Graduate from Indonesia

"iCLA truly supported me in discovering my dream career in finance. iCLA’s curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, from economics to performing arts. Exploring those courses, I was able to discover my chosen career. Moreover, the professors, students and admin staff are always willing to talk and share their academic and professional experiences, which really helped me."

iCLA Graduate from Vietnam

"When choosing where to pursue my higher education, I wanted to make sure I chose a university that utilized my full potential. Finding iCLA, I knew it was the culturally cohesive environment I saw myself excelling in. Now I’m here I know it was the best choice! iCLA is truly a melting pot where everyone feels welcome. I genuinely encourage those who are considering applying to do so!"

1st year student from the United States


iCLA offers five majors within our innovative liberal arts curriculum. During the first year, students take courses from our core curriculum across all four majors, providing the necessary exposure to make an informed decision about which major to follow.

Global Business and Economics


The Global Business and Economics major offers a blend of application and theory, utilizing an applied approach to Business to train future business leaders who deeply understand the interplay between business and society. Our program hones the knowledge and skills associated with the liberal arts and their importance for business such as communication, social, cultural and geopolitical context, ethics, teamwork and critical thinking.

With academic pathways leading to careers in Finance, International Business, and Economics, all courses are studied from a global perspective, giving you the ability to leverage your knowledge of Japanese business culture and prepare for a vocation either in Japan or internationally.

Political Science


Offering academic pathways for students interested in International Relations, Comparative Politics, and Public Administration, iCLA’s Political Science major addresses the fundamental problems facing human society. Through varied learning and assessment methods, you will develop a deep understanding of political science, its various sub-fields, major themes, and analytical techniques leading to enriching careers in local or national government, government services, social enterprise, the NGO sector or academia.

Combining electives in Data Science, History, Literature and Psychology with the Political Science major are popular choices with our students and this flexibility in choosing your electives helps you graduate with the skills required to succeed in the field.

Interdisciplinary Arts


Interdisciplinary Arts is an exciting major where you gather inspiration from multiple sources including visual art (Fine Art and Graphic Design), music (Audio Engineering, and Digital & Sonic Art), language arts (Creative Writing, Literary Analysis, and Linguistics), and performance (Film and Theater). You will gain a rich understanding of your chosen specialization and work through the medium of a wider creative process by exploring these disciplines from practical, theoretical, and historical perspectives.

The interdisciplinary nature of a Liberal Arts education guarantees that you graduate with the transferable skills valued by employers and required to succeed in any role in addition to technical knowledge gained in your artist field. For example, the flexibility and wide array of electives offered at iCLA allow you to easily add the study of subjects like Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Small Business Finance, Psychology and Computer Science to give you even more of the tools needed to succeed as a working artist. 

Japan Studies


Japan Studies endeavors to investigate and deconstruct the intricacies of Japan by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this fascinating country, its language and its history, from ancient beginnings to the rise of the samurai, through to its current status as a modern technology driven power. You can explore Japan’s society, politics, international relations and economics, developing a deep understanding of how Japan became the country it is today and its global position in the future. The major also gives you the opportunity to experience Japan’s unique arts, literature and culture, from traditional music and theater through to contemporary anime and manga.

In a true expression of the interdisciplinary nature of iCLA’s curriculum, Japan Studies draws on courses from across our whole curriculum to provide a complete learning experience. Tailored study plans can lead our graduates to fluency in Japanese and career opportunities in the media, Japanese corporations, the tourism sector, and academia.



iCLA's Psychology major will equip our students with a thorough understanding of how technology influences human behavior across various psychological disciplines such as cyberpsychology, social psychology, consumer psychology, and economic psychology. Our interdisciplinary approach equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a diverse range of professional settings. To ensure our students stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology, we integrate hands-on learning experiences and practical applications into the curriculum. By engaging with a variety of tools such as social media platforms, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and other emerging technologies, students gain practical skills and develop a deeper understanding of how technology can be harnessed to improve psychological research and practice in areas such as consumer behavior, organizational management, and economic decision-making.

Interdisciplinary Data Science


iCLA is proud to be launching our new Interdisciplinary Data Science major in September 2024. This major will empower you with vital skills essential for success in the 21st century. Grounded in a liberal arts education, Data Science goes beyond mere technicalities, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Serving as a unifying element, the study of Data Science connects various fields and provides an interdisciplinary perspective to tackle real-world challenges.

The curriculum of iCLA’s Interdisciplinary Data Science major is structured to meet the increasing demand for professionals proficient in data analytics, while placing a strong emphasis on ethical data practices. By combining Data Analytics techniques with Domain Knowledge, we offer specialized pathways in Finance, Psychology, and Political Economy, allowing you to apply your knowledge of Data Science techniques to real-world use cases throughout your degree, training you for the modern, data driven workplace.

Elective courses and workshops supplement your major throughout your four years at iCLA, providing the width, flexibility and interdisciplinary nature of true liberal arts education. Electives can be chosen from any of the majors, or from our area studies courses in:

  • Japanese Language

As an international student you have the opportunity to reach a high level of proficiency in Japanese by the time you graduate, even if you join iCLA with little or no Japanese language ability. Courses are divided into three levels: Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced. Our students are able to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture while discussing various cultural and social topics in Japanese. We also offer preparatory courses for the highest levels of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) levels N2 and N1. 

  • Sociology

These courses aim to develop your understanding of social and cultural identity, and how we have evolved to interact as groups and organizations with societies and culture. In those courses, students examine the evidence and factors that have influenced our behavior from ancient times through to the modern to form conclusions about social phenomena. They also develop basic skills in the scientific method of social research and can identify sociological terms, concepts, ideas, and theories, in fields such as archeology, linguistics, the creation of folklore and myth, modern public policy, and social enterprise and innovation. Taking advantage of iCLA’s proximity to Mt Fuji, students can attend field trips to study the archeology and folklore of one of Japan’s most important cultural and spiritual sites firsthand. These courses act as a pathway to further education, training, and employment for careers in which an understanding of the behavior of individuals, groups, and institutions is a key element, such as human resources, education, health and community work, journalism, and media studies.

  • Quantitative Reasoning & Natural Sciences

In conjunction with our Data Science subject area, these courses nurture scientific inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning to provide the mathematical background required for programming. Our courses in Mathematics emphasize the development of mathematical and quantitative reasoning skills. You gain an understanding of fundamental, numerical, and quantitative skills and their application to everyday life. The focus will be on applying basic mathematical concepts to solve real-world problems, and to develop skills in interpreting and working with data in order that you become able to function effectively as a professional and engaged citizen. The course on Earth Science examines planet earth, its nature in terms of its interactions and exchanges between atmosphere, land, living things and physical laws.

  • Health & Physical Education

The iCLA Courses in Health & Physical Education include three martial arts, Aikido, Judo, and Karate, as well as Nanba: the Japanese Art of Physical Finesse, and Shugendo: Mountain Shamanism. All of our Health and Physical Education Courses are closely connected to Japanese culture, and emphasize integrating the mind and body. Each course is taught by an experienced Master of the discipline, all with international recognition. We have a beautiful Dojo at iCLA, and access to some of the best athletic facilities in Japan on the Yamanashi Gakuin University Campus.

  • Cultural and Artistic Workshops

Experiential learning workshops offer unique opportunities to gain hands-on experience in a range of cultural, practical and creative areas of study. The Interdisciplinary Arts and Japan Studies majors feature workshops within their relevant disciplines. Among the huge variety of workshops offered at iCLA students can experience traditional Japanese music, arts and culture such as Noh Theater, Shakuhachi (bamboo flute) and Koto (Japanese harp), Sado (tea ceremony), Kado (flower arranging), and various Japanese martial arts to name but a few.

Study abroad is an integral part of the iCLA curriculum to develop students’ international perspectives and global outlook. All students have the opportunity to study abroad with one of our partner institutions. For Japanese students, 2 semesters of study abroad are compulsory. For international students, study abroad is optional and there is a choice of either 1 or 2 semesters overseas.

Employability and developing transferable skills are a key component of the educational philosophy at iCLA. Regular career consultation sessions with Career Development Advisors and one-on-one career guidance from faculty members is available to our students throughout their degree. iCLA works closely with the YGU Career Development Center to host career focused seminars and events, as well as career support lectures aimed at developing skills and knowledge for job hunting. We also hold Student and Alumni Exchange meetings, where current students can learn first hand about the job hunting experience both in Japan and abroad, while picking up valuable tips, advice and networking opportunities from our graduates.

Our courses help students better understand their own strengths, skills, and career interests; building on the critical, creative, independent and global mindset nurtured at iCLA to identify what career they want to pursue, as well as the steps to achieving that career goal.

iCLA also supports students in finding internship opportunities. By participating in an internship, students can gain practical experience relevant to their interests and future career ambitions. We have strong and varied connections with companies, organizations, and employment agencies, which allows us to introduce our students to a variety of internship opportunities.